Looking amazing doesn't always have to be complicated or costly. In fact, multiple beauty experts, and I :>, suggest that it's the little things that matter—it’s all in the details honey! “Beauty” comes easy when we pay attention to seemingly irrelevant things.

Here are five underrated beauty and skincare tips you probably didn’t know:

1. Conditioner for Shaving Cream

Realized you’re out of shaving cream at the last second? It happens. Don’t fret and mistakenly use soap. Instead, shave with your hair conditioner. Now we wouldn’t recommend it for sensitive places, but desperate times can call for some desperate measures. Conditioner not only works just as well as shaving cream but it can also soften the hair and prepare it to be shaved. Another benefit is that your skin feels extra silky and smooth after shaving due to all the additional oils in hair conditioner. If you have super sensitive skin, try using a mild conditioner!

2. Mayo/Vinegar Can Work Wonders

Did you know that mayonnaise and vinegar had a place in haircare? We love a multi-use item! Simply soaking your hair for twenty minutes with a “mayo mask” can help you keep and retain moisture in your locks. We recommend applying some form of heat to assist the mask in penetrating your hair strands. On the other hand, vinegar helps upgrade your hair by giving it a more lustrous appearance. Be sure to rinse hair well with clean water prior to styling—no one wants to smell neither mayonnaise nor vinegar all day long (well, unless that’s your thing).

photos by UNSPLASH

photos by UNSPLASH

3. Sunscreen Superpower: Anti-Aging

Ultraviolet rays, or UV rays, are some of the most prevalent causes of premature aging. To prevent this, wear your sunscreen daily – rain or shine. As per research conducted by the American Academy Of Dermatology, roughly 80% of sun UV rays penetrate the cloud. Making sunscreen your BFF can have other benefits too besides blocking UV rays. Daily sunscreen use can also assist in fading dark spots (by preventing the sun from further darkening those spots). Learn more about skincare and sunscreen here.

4. Clean Hands = Longer Manicure

Have you ever went to the nail salon and after one week, your nails are chipped and peeling? Try this tip: before heading in to the nail salon for a manicure or full set, try wiping your nails with an acetone-based wipe or cleanser. According to beauty experts, this one step eliminates excess dirt, moisturizer, or oil from the nails, helping polish adhere better for an overall longer set and perfected look. Try it! You’ll love the results.

5. Raw Potatoes for Puffy Eyes

Several reputable dermatologists recognize the effectiveness of raw potatoes relative to depuffing the eye. Frances Jang, a renowned dermatologist at Skinworks, recommended applying raw potato slices as a natural, practical approach to soothing your eyes. Potatoes are naturally astringent, and because of this, they can substantially decrease water retention in applied areas. Potatoes also contain several enzymes that help brighten dark circles under-eye. To accomplish the natural magic: wash and peel a potato, cut two slices and place one on each eye for about ten minutes. Lay back, relax and allow the potatoes to work their wonders. After ten minutes, rinse the area carefully with lukewarm water and voilà.

BONUS TIP: Prime Before Application

While makeup is mostly sheer and light during warmer months, it is very easy to take steps to ensure your makeup still looks great. If you’re experienced with makeup, you know that applying a single product can drastically change your entire makeup look—and a makeup primer does just that. Primers help create an even, smooth canvas for you to work with during makeup application. Some primers also target a number of other issues, including acne and pore-visibility. Primers can be found at your nearest local beauty retailer and of course, here at Amazon.

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