photo by Unsplash

photo by Unsplash

Mint is a leafy, fragrant herb made from numerous species of the Mentha plant. Some of the most popular varieties of the Mentha plant are commonly known as peppermint and spearmint. Mint is an extremely versatile herb, and is commonly used by the finest chefs and bartenders alike. My favorite use of mint is with delicious, hot mint tea or muddled in a pineapple mojito (yes, pls). Mint is not only delicious and versatile, but its health benefits are seriously unmatched. In my opinion, whether used dried or fresh, mint is a super-herb and it’s about time you started reaping its natural benefits.


Whether you regularly take your vitamins or not (no shame zone, I mess up too), you can definitely get a few when you consume mint. Now mint doesn’t give you the same nutritional benefit that a balanced diet would, but it does provide you with: vitamins A and C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and iron. While it may be in small amounts, it’s amazing to get so many vitamins and minerals from a single plant. As if we needed another reason for a mojito.


Indigestion, upset stomach, nausea, and a variety of other stomach and digestive infections, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be relieved with mint. According to “Medical News Today", mint works against unhealthy microbes by using its natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to fight them away. Mint can also regulate muscle relaxation and promote digestive enzymes. However, anyone with GERD should not use mint to relieve their digestive symptoms, as it is known to possibly trigger additional issues with the condition.


Did you know that simply chewing on a few mint leaves can give your breath a minty boost? Mint’s purpose in oral health may be quite obvious since most of our favorite toothpastes and chewing gum are mint flavored, but it should be known that mint has oral benefits other than just freshening your breath. Even Colgate agrees, there’s several natural, oral benefits of fresh mint. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, mint can aid in reducing gum swelling and irritation, while also stopping bleeding gums. Since mint is naturally microbial, it also assists in killing bacteria in the mouth and gums, which fights gingival infections and tooth decay. Win-win-win!


If you’ve ever had a fresh stick of minty gum followed by a gulp of ice cold water, then you’ve already experienced the intense cooling effect of mint. This sensation explains why mint is such an effective, natural remedy in sinus and nasal congestion. Mint contains menthol, which helps open airways and clear mucus in your time of need. Plenty over-the-counter cold and flu medications contain mint to help relieve symptoms related to congestion. It’s possible to get symptom relief simply from using mint (or mint oil) instead of using an over-the-counter decongestant. Mint can alleviate sinus pressure and clear congestion in your nose, throat, and lungs—and it’s all natural 😏. Don’t overdo it though—too much mint can actually irritate your airways when used incorrectly, moderation is key.



Mint can basically benefit your body from head to toe. As if I needed tell you another benefit of mint, did you know that mint can improve brain function too? Mint is basically brain food that aids in cognitive functioning and memory retention. A simple whiff of a minty aroma can improve mental alertness and even cure a headache. Mint is often used in aromatherapy due to its calming effects. Just a sniff of mint can release serotonin, instantly easing stress and rejuvenating the body and mind.

*deep breath*